Senior Resident Assistant - AJ

Hi, I’m Anjelo, call me AJ – only my grandma calls me by my full name, sorry. I’m the Senior Resident Assistant for East, which means I got this building down pat. On a real note, I’m so excited to help guide you on your college experience. After 3 years in the biz, it only gets better! 生活,欢笑,爱! 



嗨,我叫艾拉. I’m a junior in the Media Communications program. I absolutely love to clean or go on pinterest. I’m so excited to be your RA and have a FRESH smelling and clean hallway. Can’t wait to start the year with you!



大家好,我是斯蒂芬。. 我来自匹兹堡, PA, and I’m currently in my third year majoring in Architecture and Civil 工程. I’m a huge basketball and baseball fan, and if I’m not playing videogames you can probably catch me at a game downtown. I can’t wait to meet everyone, and hope we have a great year in East!



你好,我叫汉娜! I’m currently majoring in Interior Design and Architecture. The few hobbies I have are skating, 乐高玩具, 和朋友出去玩, and napping (which I need more of). I’m excited to work with the staff and make cool decorations. If I am out or up all night doing homework, don’t worry – stop by and say hello, 我要在那儿待一会儿!



嗨,所有! My name is 加勒特 and I’m a sophomore in the Architecture program. I am originally from Las Vegas and I love playing all types of games. I also love traveling and spending time with people in person! I am looking forward to helping the student body grow closer together!



Hi! 我是卡丽. 我来自大急流城地区. I am dual majoring in interior design and architecture. I am a third year student with this being my second year as an RA. I work at the front desk of East Hall so if you don’t find me in my room more often than not that’s where I’ll be. I’m also your 2023-2024 Vice President of 学生会. 与, if you ever have any questions or concerns about campus I’m always willing to help the best I can and would love to hear your thoughts. I always enjoy conversations with residents so feel free to knock on my door! I love listening to music and although I prefer country music I do listen to a variety of genres. I can be quite the foodie and will never say no to sushi. I am known to be a child at heart and you will for sure see me watching some Disney movies over the next year. I have a friendly and energetic 4 year old miniature australian shepherd named Bella who you might see from time to time. I am a social butterfly and enjoy spending time with friends and meeting new people. I’m excited for a great school year ahead of us and looking forward to getting to know all of you!



你好,我是伊恩! I’m currently studying Electrical 工程. As for what goes on outside of school for me – mostly mountain biking and running, along with tinkering with electronics. I’ve just completed my first year at 利记sbo, and I’m excited for the rest!



I’m a junior in the Graphic Design program. In the summer and fall, I run a park down the road. It’s my first year as an RA, so I’m excited to see the opportunities that develop. I’m friends with a few notable musicians, so most of my life surrounds music!



你好,我叫杰克. I’m a junior in the Product Design program at 利记sbo. I enjoy photography and videogames. I’m also on the esports team at 利记sbo! I’m excited to be an RA this year!



Hi! I’m 阿兰娜, a sophomore at 利记sbo in the Architectural 工程 program. When I’m not doing homework, I’m playing softball or spending time with my friends. This is my first year as an RA, and I’m excited to be on staff and have an opportunity to make new friends and help others!


你好,我叫本! (修订)



大家好! My name is 加文 and I’m a junior in Transportation Design at 利记sbo. Outside of the classroom, I enjoy playing soccer, painting, and driving cars. I also love spending time with my dog, Tuxedo.



Hi! I’m 罗宾 and I’m a senior in the Architecture program at 利记sbo. I’m a transfer student from Toronto, Ontario. Some of my hobbies include listening to music, 阅读, ultimate Frisbee and Krav Maga – a fun fact about me is I’m also a 3rd degree black belt in taekwondo. I look forward to meeting and getting to know everyone!



大家好!! My name is Johnathan就行, but you can call me Johnny. I'm a Mechanical 工程 major in my sophomore year, and I enjoy videogames and exercise. I'm excited to be helpful to you all!