


Please continue reading below to find answers to common questions about giving to Lawrence Tech. 如果你找不到你想要的答案,使用我们的 contact form and someone from the 慈善及校友参与 team would be happy to assist you. 感谢您对利记sbo学生的未来投资的兴趣!

作为一所私立大学, we do not receive the same subsidies that public universities do from the State of Michigan. Therefore, our only sources of revenue are student enrollment and philanthropy. 大学教育的成本在全国范围内持续上升, as institutions try to keep up with evolving technologies and student needs. The only way to avoid passing these increased costs onto students and their families is by raising funds from alumni, 公司及基金会, 教职员工, 还有大学里的其他朋友.

What matters most to us is the number of donors that support our mission. The value of a gift is in the spirit in which it is made, not the amount. 什么是“重要”的礼物是相对于每个人的, but every donation is a vote of confidence in the mission and values of 利记sbo.

当校友回馈母校的时候, it signals that they value their degree and believe the institution is worth supporting. 这一因素被纳入国家排名,如 U.S. News & World Report, and the 普林斯顿评论. 当这些排名上升时, it raises the profile of your university and makes the degree you’ve already earned that much more valuable and marketable!

蓝魔体验不仅仅是去上课那么简单. 其他捐款支持这些项目, facilities, 当学费“用完”时,让所有学生受益的服务. The annual fund, for example, supports the university’s most immediate needs—everything from keeping the lights on to attracting the best faculty to providing student scholarships.

While 利记sbo makes every possible effort to implement cost-savings measures and prevent tuition increases, the university simply cannot continue to grow and evolve—to remain competitive and provide degrees employers find valuable—without additional support.

Together, we can build a better 利记sbo without passing the burden onto students. You can help break the cycle of mounting student loan debt and ensure future generations don’t have to face the same challenges that you may have endured.

你对校园任何地方的贡献都会受到利记sbo社区的赞赏. 支持利记sbo的首要任务, we hope you will consider designating your gift to the 利记sbo Scholarship Fund or 未来创新者紧急奖学金基金. Your gift to one of these funds will help meet the demands of increased enrollment and make an 利记sbo education more accessible for every student. 

If you’re still not sure where you’d like to allocate your gift, we encourage you to contact us.

如果你看不到你要找的东西, select “Other” from the Designations section and type the fund you are looking for in the open text box. 我们会找到你要找的资金.

Yes, giving on 利记sbo’s website is always secure (note the “http” before the URL on each of our giving pages). Payment information is not stored, except in the case of recurring gift sign-ups.

是的,每笔交易你都会收到一张礼品收据. 如果你在网上制作礼物, your receipt will be included in the email notifying you that your payment has been processed successfully. 如果你的礼物是用支票寄给美国.S. 邮件,你会在邮件中收到收据.

If you receive a gift receipt with inaccurate information, please contact Advancement Services at giving@mbk68.com or 248.204.2308. 我们将立即开具新的礼品收据.

我们确实提供了定期捐赠的选择. 捐赠者可以选择按月或按季度付款 使用我们的在线捐赠网站. 除非另有通知, payments will continue until your commitment has been filled or your card expires or changes. You will receive an email notification from 利记sbo if a payment fails to process due to a credit card problem. Please contact us 如果您想取消或重新安排即将到来的付款. If you need to update your credit card information, please call us directly at 248.204.永远不要通过不安全的电子邮件发送此信息.

Many corporations sponsor matching gift contributions made to institutions of higher education and other nonprofit organizations. Corporate matching gifts provide the opportunity to double (and sometimes even triple) gifts to 利记sbo, 一些公司还将配偶和退休人员的礼物进行配对.

如欲了解贵公司是否合适,请访问我们的网站 匹配礼品可检索数据库 webpage to search for your company, and/or check with your Human Resources department.

你可以选择匿名捐赠. Be sure to check the box labeled “I would like this gift to remain anonymous” when making your gift online. 你仍然会收到一张用于纳税的礼物收据.

我们确实提供纪念或致敬礼品的选择. 通过我们的在线表格制作礼物时, you will have the opportunity to make your gift a tribute to someone special. Please remember to include the name and address if you would like us to notify someone of your tribute.

所有通过U.S. mail must be postmarked by December 31 to count for the current tax year. 网上礼品必须在美国中部时间12月31日午夜之前完成. 股票转让必须在12月31日前全部执行.



One of the best ways to give back is through payroll deductions and you can quickly and easily sign up 使用我们的网上表格. 您也可以通过信用卡/借记卡或EFT通过 网上捐赠页面.  或者,你可以选择 下载并打印礼物表格 PDF  然后通过校园邮件寄回给  慈善及校友参与  用你的现金礼物, 支票抬头人为利记sbo, 或工资扣减授权. 

你给多少完全由你自己决定. 你可以根据自己的兴趣来决定礼物的大小, 你给予的意愿, 你的经济能力. 礼物再小也不嫌少. 你的参与才是最重要的, 小礼物积少成多,会产生巨大的影响!

虽然每一笔基金都很重要,每一份礼物都很受欢迎, 我们恳请您支持我们的特色基金, 未来创新者紧急奖学金基金. This scholarship fund will help students who are currently struggling to pay for their education. 在你的帮助下, they can complete their degrees and make their professional dreams come true as the innovative, 未来的劳动力领导者. For questions about your options, contact 慈善及校友参与 at giving@mbk68.com .

Yes. Be sure to specify the amount and designation for each gift when using the convenient 网上捐赠表格. If using the 标准礼品表格 PDF, 也可在网上找到, be sure to indicate the areas to which each gift should go and the amounts of each gift.

劳伦斯科技公司是美国国税局规定的501(c)(3)组织. Charitable gifts to Lawrence Tech are eligible to be deducted on your federal taxes. Please consult your professional advisor for details regarding how gift deductibility might affect your specific tax situation.